Great opportunity if need business attire for upcoming TCU Career Expo. No Cost.

3 bedroom / 2 bath - 22 minutes to TCU

Alegria shoes good condition

By Steven W. Hook and John Spanier ($20)

A new Astronomy Openstax

Weekend 2 Saturday GA Tickets!

This beautifully crafted authentic Persian carpet is packed with colors and patterns that can warm up any room and make it look elegant.

Decorative farm animal plates

Beautiful Aledo home for sale - 4/2.5

Men's Wilsons vest

A Concise history of Latin America by John Charles Chasteen

Bostitch 3 hold puncher

$30 for unused 40oz pink Stanley.

Looking for a dying or dead Cactus to play the role of "Wilson" in short film for October. Other plants welcome for audition.

Center for Writing Services

Magenta Chico's sweater

2nd edition by Lydia M. Andrade and James W. Riddlesperger, Jr.

Book for History of Cuba (HIST 41903) $10

Book for History of Cuba (HIST 41903) $10