We are a group of staff and faculty members who meet Thursday nights to play pickleball.

WOC Engaging in Faith, Religion + Spirituality

Looking for 2 male roommates for our 4 bedroom house

Available to help you find an apartment, house or duplex

Females only, 5 min walk to campus, partially furnished, in-suite bathroom

Looking for female roommates in off campus house

4 Large Bedrooms, Yard, & Living Space

Looking for a female in a 3 bed/2 bath house

2 bedrooms, 1 full bath house. Available now

Gobble Til You Wobble Platter $20

1,200 + Utilities per month

Never worn blouse

Black SCS Drumline jacket

Alegria shoes good condition

31 Bags purse with shoulder strap

Glass top table

Elderly Couple figurines

Women's Suede Vest

Variety of wigs

3 Bedroom apartment in Village East area looking for roommate

3 cups for sale, descriptions/info for each available in listing.

Barely used COACH bag for sale ($175).

Looking for renters for 2 extra rooms in house driving distance of TCU.