Title Short Description Date Posted Category
Interested in a BS or minor in Ranch Management? Interested in a Bachelor’s of Science or want to minor in Ranch Management? October 30@5:00 10/24/2023 Department Announcements
Geography is a major?! Geography faculty members share a PowerPoint on what a geographer's future holds if you were to major or minor in geography. 09/09/2024 Department Announcements
Indoor Soccer Co-Rec, Men's, and Women's Teams. Register to play Oct. 1 - Oct. 22! 09/27/2024 Department Announcements
Indoor Volleyball Co-Rec, Women's, Men's, & Res Hall Teams! Registration from Oct. 1st-Oct. 22nd 09/27/2024 Department Announcements
Mental Health Allyship Let’s change the conversation about mental health 09/27/2024 Department Announcements
Financial Wellness 101 Master the financial basics of budgeting, savings and credit. 09/27/2024 Department Announcements
On Contemptuous Mockery in Political Life Florsheim Lecture of Ethics 09/30/2024 Department Announcements
Climbing Clinics Belay Class for beginner climbers 09/30/2024 Department Announcements
Mineral Wells Trip Climb with TCU Outdoor Programs at Mineral Wells. 10/01/2024 Department Announcements
Research participants needed Women, 18-65, sexually active and struggling with body image and sexual well-being 10/11/2024 Department Announcements
Physical Activity Courses Sign up for a physical activity course. 10/15/2024 Department Announcements
Rocket League 1v1 Tournament Intramural 1v1 Rocket League Tournament registration is open 10/9 - 11/4 09/24/2024 General Announcements
Guitar Lessons Free guitar lessons to those that would be considered beginner guitarists. 10/09/2024 General Announcements
Providence at home salt & pepper shakers. FALL (pumpkin) salt & pepper shakers 05/24/2024 Marketplace
Glass top table Glass top table 06/03/2024 Marketplace
Pink 31 Bags purse 31 Bags purse with shoulder strap 06/05/2024 Marketplace
Alegra shoes Alegria shoes good condition 06/05/2024 Marketplace
Salt & Pepper Shakers Rooster/Hen S&P 06/06/2024 Marketplace
Drumline Jacket Black SCS Drumline jacket 06/14/2024 Marketplace
Mikasa English Countryside Dishes Service for 8 Mikasa English Countryside Dishes plus extra serving pieces 07/22/2024 Marketplace
New Kate Spade Coin Purse/Card Holder/Mini Wallet New without tags $40.00 07/30/2024 Marketplace
Mattel Classic Basketball Hand held Mattel basketball game 08/05/2024 Marketplace
5 BR/3.5 Bath + 2/2 Guest House For Sale Large Home w/ 2.25 Acres 08/05/2024 Marketplace
New Nail Polish Strips Brand new in package 08/05/2024 Marketplace